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The primary goal of health services is to eliminate/minimize health related barriers to learning. 

To accomplish this, health services staff, as part of the school team, strives to:

  • Promote student and staff wellness.
  • Provide skilled nursing.
  • Protect students' well being.
  • Enhance healthy behaviors.
  • Encourage self-care.
  • Assess and communicate student health concerns through referral to parents/guardians.


District Health Services

About Health Services


The Minnesota School Immunization Law (Minn. Statute 121A.15) requires that all students enrolled in school be protected from childhood diseases by receiving immunizations. This includes students enrolled in Preschool through grade 12, Kids Club, alternative programs and home school programs.

Immunizations Needed for School

Your child's immunization dates, or a medical or non-medical exemption, must be shared with the school health office before the first day of school or start of a program. Non-compliant students will face exemption from school or participating in programs. 

Required Immunizations by Grade Level

Exemption information

  • Medical exemptions must be signed by a health care provider.

  • Non-medical exemptions must be signed by a parent/guardian and notarized.

Menstrual Products in Schools

Air Quality

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) offers guidance for schools and childcare facilities with the goal of lowering the risk of negative impacts to children's health due to poor air quality events. 

MDH's recommendations are to help schools and childcare staff determine when and how to adjust outdoor physical activities when air quality starts to reach unhealthy levels. 

MDH Air Quality Guidelines
  • The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) issues air quality alerts for Minnesota due to the air quality index (AQI).
  • SoWashCo Schools monitors the AQI, follows guidance from MDH and moves activities indoors, if necessary.
  • If a family wants to keep their child home, it will be an excused absence. Families may also excuse students from outdoor activities.

More information about School and Childcare Air Quality Guidance:

Minnesota Department of Health

More information about air quality: 

Pollution Control Agency

School Health Contact Information