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SoWashCo Summer

SoWashCo Schools is offering a free four-week Targeted Services summer school program in July for students currently in grades K-7. This program is designed to provide students with tools, strategies and support that will boost academic skills and increase confidence.

SoWashCo Summer

The Registration Deadline for summer 2024 Has passed.


Kris Scallon

Kris Scallon

Elementary (Grades K-4)

Students will participate in fun, engaging daily instruction that incorporates shared and independent reading, nonfiction research, cooperative math activities, STEM challenges and physical activity. Explicit and direct social-emotional skill instruction will focus on three outcomes: be strong, be kind and be well!

 Current 2023-24 Grade Theme
Kindergarten -> First Grade Insects and spiders
First Grade -> Second Grade Competitors and Predators
Second Grade -> Third Grade Heroes
Third Grade -> Fourth Grade Marine Life
Fourth Grade -> Fifth Grade U.S. States
Fifth Grade -> Sixth Grade Please use middle school registration below


Middle School (Current Grades 5-7)

Students currently in grades 5-7 will participate in exciting thematic and project-based learning that prioritizes student voice and choice. Literacy instruction will incorporate nonfiction research, writing and independent reading for comprehension and enjoyment. Hands-on and activity-based mathematics lessons will focus on the efficient and flexible use of strategies and procedures for problem-solving, as well as fluency with basic facts. Elective classes involving STEM, computer science, physical activity and the arts will allow students to extend and apply their learning. Daily social-emotional skill instruction will emphasize engagement, belonging and well-being.