Join us at SoWashCo Schools!
South Washington County Schools (SoWashCo Schools) serves more than 18,600 students within our 84-square-mile district. We believe all children are entitled to a non-discriminatory, welcoming and inclusive public education.
We welcome your entire family to SoWashCo Schools! We are excited to collaborate with you to support your child throughout their educational journey.
Enroll in SoWashCo Schools
You can enroll online using the links provided below. Online enrollment is available in five languages.
If you prefer to enroll in person you are welcome to visit us at the District Service Center at 7362 E. Point Douglas Rd. Cottage Grove, MN 55016. The District Service center is open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. through 4 p.m.
Before you enroll please:
- Find your school (input your address in the boundary map tool to determine your boundary school)
- Gather your child's proof of birth (birth certificate or equivalent)
- Gather address verifications
- Gather proof of completion of state-required health and developmental screening (if not completed through SoWashCo Schools)
Student Information
Fax: 651-425-6320
District Service Center
7362 E. Point Douglas Rd.
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Please complete K-12 enrollment on a computer.
Mobile devices are not compatible.
*An enrollment application is not needed for current K-12+ students continuing on to the next grade level at SoWashCo Schools.
You can learn more about the enrollment process for each grade level and see frequently asked questions about enrollment in the enrollment resources section below.
Enrollment Resources
- Translated Enrollment Forms
- 2025-26 Enrollment Guide
- Intra-district transfers (IDT)
- Open Enrollment (Out of District)
- Change of Address Form
- Early Entrance into Kindergarten
- Home School Options
- Enrollment Process and FAQs
Translated Enrollment Forms
If you need an interpreter, please call Nicole Clymer: 651-425-7211
2025-26 Enrollment Guide
Intra-district transfers (IDT)
Intra-district transfers (IDT) are accepted annually, when possible, for students in grades K-12 living within the boundaries of SoWashCo Schools who wish to attend a school other than the one they are assigned based on attendance boundaries.
IDT Guidelines
The Intra-District Transfer application window will open on October 15 and the initial window will close on December 15 for secondary students and on March 1 for elementary students. Applications received after the initial due dates will be added to existing wait lists.
IDT Forms
IDT Procedures
The parent/guardian/student will complete a transfer request form and submit it to the Student Information Office by the timeline outlined below. Requests received after the timeline will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
IDT Application Timeline
Applications are reviewed three times each year. The first deadline is a student's best chance of getting an IDT approved.
Intra-District Transfer Application Timeline | ||
Level | Application Deadline | Decision |
Elementary | Oct. 15 - March 1 | March 15 |
Secondary | Oct. 15 - Dec. 15 | After Dec. 20 |
Elementary | March 2 - April 15 | After April 21 |
Secondary | Dec. 16 - April 15 | After April 21 |
Elementary | April 16 - June 1 | After June 24 |
Secondary | April 16 - June 1 | After June 24 |
Applications accepted Oct. 15 - March 1 (4 p.m.)
Any applications received after March 1 will receive the next number on the waitlist
Initial decision letters will be emailed by March 15.
Requests will be reviewed again in April and June. After June 1, no additional requests will be considered unless a student is newly enrolled in the district.
Applications accepted Oct. 15 - Dec. 15 (4 p.m.)
Any applications received after Dec. 15 will receive the next number on the waitlist
Initial decision letters will be emailed after Dec. 20.
Requests will be reviewed again in April and June. After June 1, no additional requests will be considered unless a student is newly enrolled in the district.
Requests will be reviewed by an Assistant Superintendent, in consultation with the affected building Principals.
Applications received outside the timeline outlined above will be reviewed. The Assistant Superintendent will approve/deny the request and the parent/guardian/student will be notified in writing by the Student Information Office of the status of the request.
The approval/denial of the request will be based on the following criteria:
The granting of an initial IDT request to transfer shall not result in an increase in staffing at the receiving school.
The granting of the initial IDT request will not result in school capacity over 95% (middle and high school) or 90% (elementary). Exceptions may be made when both schools are over the mentioned capacity.
Under extenuating circumstances, the Superintendent/designee may adjust these regulations.
If the number of intra-district transfer requests exceed the available space in a grade level, the order of approval shall be determined by selecting names through an impartial lottery. (held only for requests received initial deadline)
Intra-District transfer requests by principals for their children to attend the school in which they serve will be granted prior to any lottery, and is subject to all staffing and space requirements.
The following applications will be considered priority applications (the approval is subject to space being available in the school and at the grade level requested):
siblings of currently enrolled students;
applications related to an approved integration and achievement plan; and
children of the school district’s staff.
The priority applications process will take place first.
A second impartial lottery is then conducted with all remaining non-priority applications received by the deadline using the Bingo format.
Applications submitted after the initial application window deadline will be added to a wait list created for each school.
Students approved for an IDT in one (1) year shall be included in the enrollment projections of the receiving school in future years for staffing purposes.
Families must reapply through the IDT process if requesting enrollment outside the assigned attendance boundary when school transitions occur (elementary to middle; middle to high school).
Transfer of athletic/fine arts eligibility will comply with the rules and regulations established by the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL).
The parent/guardian/student is responsible for providing transportation to and from school and must adhere to school start and end times in every instance where an intra-district transfer has been approved.
Open Enrollment (Out of District)
Families can open enroll their children in some SoWashCo Schools by filling out an application and emailing it to pbrown4@sowashco.org, faxing it to 651-425-6320 or submitting a printed copy at the District Service Center, 7362 E Point Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove, MN 55016.
- Application Deadlines
- School Capacity
- Grade Capacities
- Moving Outside SoWashCo Schools Boundaries
- School Building Transitions
Application Deadlines
School Capacity
Open Enrollment for non-resident students will be set at 1% of the total students enrolled in that grade-level or the number of district residents at the grade-level enrolled in a non-resident district.
The following schools are closed to additional open enrollment students due to capacity constraints:
- Bailey Elementary School
- Grey Cloud Elementary School
- Pine Hill Elementary School
- Red Rock Elementary School
- Cottage Grove Middle School
- Lake Middle School
- Oltman Middle School
- Woodbury Middle School
- Park High School
- East Ridge High School
- Woodbury High School
Grade Capacities
Moving Outside SoWashCo Schools Boundaries
School Building Transitions
Open enrolled students will continue at the assigned school throughout their years at each level. Families are provided with the opportunity to indicate their preferred school, when school transitions occur (elementary to middle; middle to high school). The district retains the right to assign non-resident students to sites other than direct feeder schools when these transitions occur, based upon capacity and program.
Change of Address Form
Early Entrance into Kindergarten
Children five years of age, on or before Sept. 1, are eligible to enter kindergarten and families should complete the online enrollment form. If a child’s fifth birthday falls on or after Sept. 2 or on or before Oct. 31, parents/guardians may request early entrance. Early entrance will not be considered for a child that would be accelerated to the same grade as an older sibling.
More information is available in policy 607.1 Early Entrance to Kindergarten.
Benjamin Lacina
Talent Development and Advanced Academics Coordinator
Timeline for Early Entrance to Kindergarten
First Steps
Contact Benjamin Lacina the Advanced Academics Coordinator at blacina@sowashco.org or 651-425-6210.
February 15-May 1: Applications Accepted
Early Entrance applications may be received by the Early Entrance Review Committee.
Applications will be available below mid-February and are due in May.
Applications can be submitted online, turned into the District Service Center or mailed directly to:
Attn: Ben Lacina
7362 East Point Douglas Road
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
June: Student Assessment
Families will be contacted by the Early Entrance Review Committee to complete an assessment with a licensed SoWashCo Schools psychologist in June. The District Early Entrance Committee will review assessment results and make a recommendation and communicate with the family.
All assessments and determinations regarding early entrance to kindergarten will be completed by the end of June.
July: Notification
Early Entrance to Kindergarten Procedures
- Initial Screening
- Data Gathering
- Criteria for Early Entrance to Kindergarten
- Recommendation Procedures
Initial Screening
- Children 5 years of age, on or before Sept. 1, are eligible to enter kindergarten. If a child’s birth date falls on a date on or after Sept. 2 or on or before Oct. 31, parents/legal guardians may request early entrance. Early entrance will not be considered for a child that would be accelerated to the same grade as an older sibling.
- If a parent or guardian would like to pursue Early Entrance they would begin by scheduling an informational phone call with the Talent Development Coordinator, Ben Lacina at blacina@sowashco.org or at 651-425-6210.
- Parents are asked to complete the necessary paperwork prior to informal phone call.
- Applications can be submitted after the initial phone call. All submissions must be made by May 1 to be considered for the following school year.
- Applications can be submitted online, returned to the District Service Center or mailed directly to:
Attn: Ben Lacina
7362 East Point Douglas Road
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Data Gathering
The Early Entrance Review Committee will schedule an evaluation for the child with a district licensed school psychologist at a cost of $200 to be paid by parents/legal guardians. (Scholarships are available for parents/legal guardians who qualify based on federal standards for free or reduced priced meal guidelines).
Ability, achievement, social maturity and fine motor coordination will be assessed. The district psychologist will conduct the assessments. The child must achieve a cognitive ability score that falls within the "above average" range or higher.
Parents/legal guardians will complete a Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Behavior Scale, which is an instrument used to measure a child’s social skills and behaviors.
Although preschool/pre-kindergarten is not required, it is highly recommended. The parents/legal guardians will share name and contact information of the preschool/pre-kindergarten teacher or child care provider with the review committee so that the teacher can share information with the review committee using a form provided by the district. This form is to be sent from the preschool/pre-kindergarten teacher or day care provider directly to the Early Entrance Review Committee at blacina@sowashco.org or mailed to:
Attn: Early Entrance Review Committee
7362 East Point Douglas Road
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Criteria for Early Entrance to Kindergarten
- Birthdate on or between Sept. 2 and Oct. 31.
- A Full Scale IQ score of above-average or better on the ability assessment.
- Academic achievement results must be at the above-average or better (i.e. one year ahead of the child’s chronological age).
- Fine motor coordination must be above average or better (i.e. one year ahead of the child’s chronological age).
- Social/emotional maturity, academic motivation and persistence must be demonstrated.
Recommendation Procedures
- A district committee will meet to consider each early entrance candidate. This committee is comprised of the Talent Development and Academic Achievement Coordinator, a licensed elementary school psychologist, and a licensed elementary school teacher.
- Parents/guardians will be notified of the committee's decision in writing.
- Parents/guardians who disagree with the findings of the Early Entrance Review Committee may submit an appeal in writing to the assistant superintendent.
Tyrone Brookins, Assistant Superintendent
7362 East Point Douglas Road S
Cottage Grove, MN 55016 - If early entrance is recommended, student check-ins will occur with the school psychologist and classroom teacher following week three and week six of the student's participation in kindergarten. This will be an opportunity to note whether the child is: socially integrated, progressing academically, able and willing to follow directions, demonstrating acceptable emotional maturity and appropriate independence.
- Using the results of the check-ins, a building review team including the school psychologist, the classroom teacher, and the building principal will determine whether the placement continues to be appropriate. Parents/guardians will also be consulted.
Early Entrance to Kindergarten Application
The following items must also be submitted with your online or paper application:
Proof of child’s birth (birth certificate or equivalent)
Proof of completion of Early Childhood screening (required by the State of Minnesota)
Non-refundable $200 fee (mailed to the District Service Center, 7362 East Point Douglas Rd. S. Cottage Grove, MN 55016)
* Required
Early Entrance to Kindergarten Questions and Answers
- What is the latest birth date a child may have to be considered for early entrance to kindergarten?
- Who do I contact for an early entrance to kindergarten application?
- When is the application deadline?
- Are there costs involved in apply for early entrance to kindergarten?
- What does the assessment for early entrance to kindergarten involve?
- If I have already had my child assessed, can I submit those results instead of having them assessed again?
- Can I choose the school that my child will attend?
- Can I appeal the decision of the Early Entrance Committee if I do not agree with the results?
What is the latest birth date a child may have to be considered for early entrance to kindergarten?
Who do I contact for an early entrance to kindergarten application?
When is the application deadline?
Are there costs involved in apply for early entrance to kindergarten?
Yes. The cost of the ability and academic assessments is $200 and is paid by the parents/guardians. Scholarships are available for families that qualify for Educational Benefits based on the federal standards for free or reduced-price meal guidelines.
What does the assessment for early entrance to kindergarten involve?
A SoWashCo licensed school psychologist and licensed elementary teacher will administer assessments in the areas of cognitive ability, academic, adaptive and social-emotional skills. Parents will complete a preschool and kindergarten behavior scale, which is an instrument used to measure a child’s social skills and behaviors and will request input from a preschool or a daycare provider, if available, using a district questionnaire.
If I have already had my child assessed, can I submit those results instead of having them assessed again?
Can I choose the school that my child will attend?
Yes, with some limitations. Parents/guardians applying for early entrance to kindergarten for their child may apply for an intra-district transfer to a school outside of their assigned boundary school after the child has been approved for early entrance to kindergarten. Since the early entrance process is not finalized until July, the number of kindergarten spaces available through the school magnet programs (Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion and Multiage at Valley Crossing) may be limited.
Can I appeal the decision of the Early Entrance Committee if I do not agree with the results?
Parents/guardians who disagree with the findings by school staff may appeal the decision in writing to the appeals committee, comprised of staff from Teaching and Learning Services and the Superintendent’s offices. The final decision shall rest with the Superintendent of Schools. Please submit your appeal letter to:
Tyrone Brookins, Assistant Superintendent
7362 East Point Douglas Rd. S.
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Home School Options
Home schooling is an alternative option to public or traditional private school attendance.
A parent may choose to home school their child at any time during the school year. However, the parent should notify the School District in which the family resides as soon as they decide to home school or within 15 days. There are required steps that will be taken to register a home school with the School District.
SoWashCo Schools cannot provide curriculum, transcripts or diplomas for home school students. Please keep in mind that the information contained on this webpage may change throughout the school year as contingencies arise.
MN Statutes 120A.22, Subd 5. Ages and terms. (a) Every child between seven and 17 years of age must receive instruction. . .” The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) has determined that home schools are private schools that provide their own curriculum, transcripts and diplomas. MDE does not vouch for or certify curriculum, transcripts or diplomas.
Angie Bromen
Home school Liaison
Home School Policy and MDE Resources
The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) provides more information about home schooling options available to Minnesota families.
Public online learning is not considered home schooling by MDE.
Enrollment Process and FAQs
Enrollment Process
All Grades
- How do I enroll my child(ren) in SoWashCo Schools?
- What documents do I need to enroll my child(ren)?
- What school will my child(ren) attend?
- How do I tour a school?
- My child(ren) already attends SoWashCo Schools, but we moved to a new home within the district. How do I update my address? Can my child(ren) continue at their current school?
- My family is moving out of the district, but I want my child(ren) to remain enrolled at their school. What do I need to do?
- How do I withdraw my child(ren) from SoWashCo Schools?
- How do I add a non-school age, out-of-district, charter or private school child(ren) living in my household to my records?
- How do I enroll my child(ren) with special education needs?
- How do I enroll my child(ren) into the English language learner program?
How do I enroll my child(ren) in SoWashCo Schools?
Parent/guardians will enroll their child online. If you need assistance, please contact Student Information Services at enroll@sowashco.org or 651-425-6328. You can also come to the District Service Center, 7362 E Point Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove, MN 55016, for assistance.
What documents do I need to enroll my child(ren)?
- Proof of child(ren)'s birth
- Immunization records
- Address verification
- Current purchase/lease agreement (must be signed and dated)
- Current property tax statement
- Current student loan statement
- Current payroll statement
- Current bank statement
- Current federal/state/county benefits statement
- Current healthcare bill
- Current utility bill (Xcel Energy or water bill)
- Confirmation letter of change of address with USPS
- If enrolling for kindergarten, proof of completion of state required health and development screening (free screening available through SoWashCo Schools)
What school will my child(ren) attend?
You can find determine your child(ren)'s boundary school by using our boundary school calculator. Go to the boundary calculator by clicking this link: https://www.sowashco.org/about-us#map
Note: The Boundary Calculator does not contain some of the newest housing developments. If you can't find your address please contact Student Information at 651-425-6218.
How do I tour a school?
My child(ren) already attends SoWashCo Schools, but we moved to a new home within the district. How do I update my address? Can my child(ren) continue at their current school?
Updating Your Address
If you have recently moved to a new location within the district, you will need to complete a change of address form and a current proof of residency to have your information updated.
Paper forms can be emailed to Student Information Services at abromen@sowashco.org, faxed to 651-425-6320 or dropped off at the District Service Center, 7362 E Point Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove, MN 55016.
Continuing At Current School
If you wish for your child to continue at their current school instead of attending the boundary school connected to your new address you will need to complete an intra-district transfer (IDT) form.
My family is moving out of the district, but I want my child(ren) to remain enrolled at their school. What do I need to do?
Students moving during the school year outside of the South Washington County Schools attendance boundaries must complete an Open Enrollment From to continue with us. Students will be able to continue at their current school and with us through graduation. At transition grades (5th to 6th and 8th to 9th), students will be automatically assigned to their next building.
An application can be emailed to pbrown4@sowashco.org, faxed to 651-425-6320 or submitted to the District Service Center, 7362 E Point Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove, MN 55016.
The district retains the right to assign non-resident (open enrolled) students to sites other than direct feeder schools when building transitions occur based on capacity and program.
How do I withdraw my child(ren) from SoWashCo Schools?
How do I add a non-school age, out-of-district, charter or private school child(ren) living in my household to my records?
Please contact 651-425-6230 to have a Family Census Form mailed to you to complete and return to the District Service Center, 7362 E Point Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove, MN 55016.
This will place your children on our district mailing lists to ensure all relevant information is shared with you. This data will remain confidential and will also be used to assist with district projections and needs.
How do I enroll my child(ren) with special education needs?
Parent/guardians will enroll their child online. If you need assistance, please contact Student Information Services at enroll@sowashco.org or 651-425-6328. You can also come to the District Service Center, 7362 E Point Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove, MN 55016.
There is a question on the enrollment form where you can indicate if your child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan.
How do I enroll my child(ren) into the English language learner program?
Parent/guardians will enroll their child online. If you need assistance, please contact Student Information Services at enroll@sowashco.org or 651-425-6328. You can also come to the District Service Center, 7362 E Point Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. There is a language section on the enrollment form where families can indicate if a student may need to be assessed for English Learner (EL) services.
Four's Preschool (Sunny Scholars)
- What age can my child begin attending Four's Preschool (Sunny Scholars)?
- What is early childhood screening and why is it required?
- Is Four's Preschool different than three's and multi-age preschool and Early Childhood Family Education?
What age can my child begin attending Four's Preschool (Sunny Scholars)?
Four's Preschool (Sunny Scholars) is an exciting time for children as they work to develop abilities and independence that will help prepare them for Kindergarten and beyond. The Four's Pre-K program is for four-year-old's one year prior to starting kindergarten. Children must be age four on or before Sept. 1. The program is located at most elementary school sites and offers programming five days per week with morning and afternoon half-day options. Parents are responsible for their child's transportation to and from school.
What is early childhood screening and why is it required?
Early Childhood Developmental Screening is a check of a child’s development, vision and hearing, growth, health history and immunizations.
- Screening is recommended when a child is three to four years old.
- Screening is required prior to enrolling in our Four's Preschool (Sunny Scholars) programs.
- Screening is free and takes approximately 45 minutes. A parent or legal guardian can stay with the child during the screening process.
Note: Early Childhood Screening does not mean your child is enrolled in a Preschool program.
Make an Appointment Learn More About Early Childhood Screening
Is Four's Preschool different than three's and multi-age preschool and Early Childhood Family Education?
Yes. Our early learning programs offer engaging, enriching and personalized experiences for all of our earlier learners from birth to age five.
Four's Preschool (Sunny Scholars)
Four's Preschool (Sunny Scholars) is for four-year-olds prior to their year starting kindergarten. Children must be age four on or before Sept. 1. The fee-based program is located in most elementary schools and offers programs five days a week at a variety of times for your child to attend.
Learn More About Four's Preschool (Sunny Scholars)
Three's and Multi-Age Preschool
Preschool provides various fee-based options for families including classes with a parent/child day, a child only experience, extended day, three through five-year-old mixed age classes or evening preschool options.
Learn More About Three's and Multi-age Preschool
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) provides families with early school connections and parent resources and tools needed to provide the best possible environment for their child's learning and growth. The fee-based program is available for children from birth to age five.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Early childhood special education (ECSE) provides programs and services for young children with disabilities from birth to age five. ECSE services are provided throughout the district in a variety of locations and service models.
- How do I enroll my child in Kindergarten?
- What age can my child begin attending Kindergarten?
- How do I have my child screened for Kindergarten?
- Are there any options besides full-day Kindergarten?
- How do I apply to have my child entered into a Magnet program lottery?
- How do I apply for Early Entrance to Kindergarten?
- Do schools offer before / after school child care?
How do I enroll my child in Kindergarten?
Parent/guardians will enroll their child online. If you need assistance, please contact Student Information Services at enroll@sowashco.org or 651-425-6328. You can also come to the District Service Center, 7362 E Point Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove, MN 55016.
What age can my child begin attending Kindergarten?
How do I have my child screened for Kindergarten?
Early Childhood Developmental Screening is a check of a child’s development, vision and hearing, growth, health history and immunizations.
- Screening is recommended when a child is three to four years old.
- Minnesota state law requires children to be screened before or within 30 days of enrollment into kindergarten.
- Screening is also required prior to enrolling in our four-year-old Prekindergarten programs.
- Each screening is free and takes approximately 45 minutes and a parent or legal guardian can stay with the child during the screening process.
Note: Early Childhood Screening does not mean your child is enrolled in kindergarten.
Make an Appointment Learn More About Early Childhood Screening
Are there any options besides full-day Kindergarten?
No, SoWashCo Schools offers full-day kindergarten at all of our elementary schools.
According to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) full-day kindergarten provides a crucial opportunity for Minnesota’s younger learners to build upon their prekindergarten or other early learning experiences.
Full-day kindergarten helps to sustain the earlier gains made in students’ development of their cognitive, social, emotional and physical skills. Approximately 99% of Minnesota’s kindergarten students attend full-day kindergarten. View Minnesota Statutes, section 126C.05, Subdivision1(d) on funding full-day kindergarten.
How do I apply to have my child entered into a Magnet program lottery?
Enrolling in Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion Program
Due to the popularity of this program for incoming kindergartners, families must apply and be selected by a lottery the winter before they are set to begin school. Families can apply through the online enrollment process. The deadline to apply is the February prior to your child beginning school.
Enrolling in the Multiage Program at Valley Crossing Elementary
The Multiage program is an option for families across South Washington County Schools. Due to the popularity of this program for incoming kindergartners, families must apply and be selected by a lottery. These determinations are made by space availability within the program. Families can apply through the online enrollment process. The deadline to apply is the February prior to your child beginning school.
How do I apply for Early Entrance to Kindergarten?
If a child’s birth date falls on a date on or between Sept. 2 and Oct. 31, parents/legal guardians may request Early Entrance to Kindergarten. This process gathers information regarding the students academic, social and emotional readiness for kindergarten. Early Entrance will not be considered for a child that would be accelerated to the same grade as an older sibling.
If a parent or guardian would like to pursue Early Entrance they should contact Benjamin Lacina, Talent Development and Advanced Academics Coordinator.
Applications will be available by February 15. The deadline to apply for May 1.
Once the application is received, the Early Entrance Review Committee will schedule an evaluation for the child with a district licensed school psychologist at a cost of $200 to be paid by parents/legal guardians. (Scholarships are available for parents/legal guardians who qualify based on federal standards for free or reduced priced meal guidelines).
Parents/legal guardians will be notified of the final decision in writing.
Do schools offer before / after school child care?
Grades 1-5
- Can I apply for my child to be entered into a Magnet program?
- How do I enroll my child that has been identified as a gifted learner?
- Do schools offer before / after school child care?
Can I apply for my child to be entered into a Magnet program?
Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion Pathway
Students in first through fifth grade can apply for intra-district transfer to take part in the program. Openings that occur after the kindergarten year require the equivalent Spanish proficiency for the child and placement is dependent on space available in the program.
Valley Crossing Multiage Program
Students in first through fifth grade can apply for intra-district transfer to take part in the program. These determinations are made by space availability within the program.
How do I enroll my child that has been identified as a gifted learner?
If your child received gifted education services in their prior district, after enrolling your child in SoWashCo Schools, please send assessment results and any additional information used for placement to: Talent Development and Academic Achievement Services, 7362 E. Point Douglas Rd. S., Cottage Grove, MN 55016.
These assessment results may include a Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), an Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT), a Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT), or an IQ test as well as achievement tests (such as MAP or state testing). The Talent Development and Academic Achievement team will review the information that you submit to determine appropriate instructional placement in SoWashCo Schools. Families will be contacted after the information has been reviewed.
Do schools offer before / after school child care?
Grades 6-8
Do I need to enroll my child for middle school?
Students New to the District
Yes, you will need to enroll your child online. If you need assistance, please contact Student Information Services at enroll@sowashco.org or 651-425-6328. You can also come to the District Service Center, 7362 E Point Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. Online enrollment is available in English, Spanish, Hmong, Chinese Mandarin, and Somali.
Students Currently Attending a Sowashco school
No, students will continue to their assigned school throughout their years at each level and no additional enrollment is needed.
The district retains the right to assign non-resident (open enrolled) students to sites other than direct feeder schools when building transitions occur based on capacity and program.
Grades 9-12
Do I need to enroll my child into high school?
Students New to the District
Yes, you will need to enroll your child online. If you need assistance, please contact Student Information Services at enroll@sowashco.org or 651-425-6328. You can also come to the District Service Center, 7362 E Point Douglas Rd, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. Online enrollment is available in English, Spanish, Hmong, Chinese Mandarin, and Somali.
Students currently attending a sowashco school
No, students will continue to their assigned school throughout their years at each level and no additional enrollment is needed.
The district retains the right to assign non-resident (open enrolled) students to sites other than direct feeder schools when building transitions occur based on capacity and program.
How does my child register for classes?
Students will register for high school classes during their prior school year and can work with their counselor to make sure they meet graduation requirements.
Students That are New to the District
For students that are new to the district, please reach out to your high school for help registering for classes.
East Ridge High School
Counseling Office
7:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Park High School
Counseling Office
8:30 a.m. - 3:06 p.m.
Woodbury High School
Counseling Office
8:30 a.m. - 3:06 p.m.
South Washington Alternative High School
Katherine Jenkins
School Counselor
Jessica Muszynski
School Psychologist
School Tours
- Elementary Tours (K-5)
- Middle School Tours (6-8)
- High School Tours (9-12)
- Magnet Programs Info Night (Spanish Immersion and Multiage Programs)
- Preschool Information Sessions
Elementary Tours (K-5)
K-5 Elementary Tours |
Days |
Tour Start Time |
School |
Every Tuesday in January.
Jan. 7
Jan. 14
Jan. 21
Jan. 28 |
8 a.m. |
Crestview Elementary Newport Elementary Royal Oaks Elementary |
9 a.m. |
Armstrong Elementary Cottage Grove Elementary Grey Cloud Elementary Hillside Elementary Middleton Elementary Pine Hill Elementary Pullman Elementary Woodbury Elementary |
9:30 a.m. |
Bailey Elementary Liberty Ridge Elementary Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion Red Rock Elementary School Valley Crossing Elementary |
If the day and/or time of the tour does not work with your schedule please contact your boundary school to schedule a date and time to visit.
Middle School Tours (6-8)
High School Tours (9-12)
High School Tours
Days | Tour Start Times | School |
Tuesday, Jan. 14 and Thursday, Jan. 16 |
9:30 a.m. and 1:30. p.m. |
East Ridge High School Park High School Woodbury High School
Tuesday, Jan. 14 and Thursday, Jan. 16
9 a.m. and 4 p.m. |
South Washington Alternative High School |
Wednesday, Jan. 15
4 p.m. (Virtual) | SoWashCo Online |
If the day and/or time of the tour does not work with your schedule please contact your boundary school to schedule a date and time to visit.
Magnet Programs Info Night (Spanish Immersion and Multiage Programs)
Magnet Program Information Nights
*A short presentation will be made about the magnet programs and school representatives will be available to help answer questions.
Please Note: Students enrolled in the Spanish Immersion program will continue the program in Woodbury Middle School and Woodbury High School.
School |
Date |
Time |
Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion (NFSI) |
Tuesday, Jan. 7 |
5-6 p.m. |
Multiage at Valley Crossing Elementary School (VCES) |
Tuesday, Jan. 7 |
5-6:30 p.m. |
Preschool Information Sessions
Preschool Information Sessions
Preschool information sessions will be provided through our early learning program for families to learn more about the preschool program in SoWashCo Schools. To register for one of our preschool information sessions, contact our Early Learning program office at 651-425-7160.
Date |
Time |
Location |
Monday, Jan. 13 Tuesday, Jan 28 |
6:00-7:00 p.m. 11:00-12:00 p.m. |
District Program Center 8400 E Point Douglas Rd S, Cottage Grove
Thursday, Jan 23 Monday, Feb 3 |
6:00-7:00 p.m. 2:00-3:00 p.m. |
Liberty Ridge Site II 11283 Eagle View Blvd., Woodbury |
Find Your Boundary School
Type in your address into the search bar at the top of the map. On the top far right of the map you can select elementary, middle or high school boundaries for your search. You can also select a different language using the language bar at the top center of the map. If you do not know the specific address, or if it cannot be found, click on the map to find the schools for that neighborhood.
PLEASE NOTE: Any map errors are unintentional and are not to be considered as a final determination of enrollment in a specific school boundary.