Elementary School
SoWashCo Schools has 16 elementary schools conveniently located throughout the district.
During their first years in school, students will meet new friends, learn routines, develop problem-solving skills and begin building a critical foundation for success in future learning.
Elementary Curriculum
SoWashCo Schools elementary curriculum offers a comprehensive approach to student learning that is focused on creating personalizing learning experiences for all students. Curricular areas include: English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, music, art, media and physical education.
Students learn academic behaviors and critical-thinking skills that will benefit them as they continue their educational pathway. These strategies include learning about organization, study skills, communication and self-advocacy.
English Language Arts
Literacy is so much more than the ability to read and write. Students are active creators of information and ideas. English language arts courses in SoWashCo Schools help students develop the skills they need for success in post-secondary education and in life. These skills include critical thinking, listening and the ability to communicate effectively. Further, English language arts in SoWashCo Schools provides students with the opportunity to gain new perspectives and value the experiences of others. Students engage in a wide variety of texts, participate in rich discussions, and collaborate with, and learn from others.
Social Studies
Humans are social beings who interact with each other and the world. The social studies courses in SoWashCo help prepare students to be active and engaged participants in their society and the world around them. Students will be empowered to ask questions, have thoughtful discussions and learn from current and past events to make the world better for future generations. We embrace diversity and culture so students are prepared to navigate an increasingly global society.
College and career readiness, STEM, CTE and Technology
- College and career readiness
- STEM (science, technology, engineering and math)
- CTE (career and technical education)
- Technology
Creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking are vital to learning. College and career readiness, career and technical education, STEM and other technology courses provide students with an opportunity to build and refine skills for college and career. Active hands-on learning gets students excited about possibilities after high school.
Math is a universal language across the world. It is everywhere - from the patterns on the wings of butterflies to our favorite family recipe. We help students develop mathematical thinking as well as the skills necessary to be successful in math. Even more importantly, math builds essential life skills such as problem-solving, analysis and spatial skills. Math also provides students with a deeper understanding of the world around them through science and the arts. Students will be prepared to design solutions for the jobs that haven’t even been created yet.
Physical Education and Health
Physical education and health are part of each student’s education in SoWashCo Schools. Physical education helps build student motor skills, heart and muscle strength. But most importantly, it provides opportunities for team building, collaboration and cooperation with others. Health education helps students better understand physical, emotional, and mental health and its impact on our bodies. Students learn how to maintain healthy habits and where to go for support.
Human Growth and Development
South Washington County Schools students in grades 4 and 5 will receive age-appropriate instruction from both classroom teachers and licensed school nurses on human growth and development concepts.
Human Growth and Development (Grades 4-5)
Science in SoWashCo Schools provides students with the opportunity to see how things work - from ecosystems to human-designed machines. We embrace critical thinking and opportunities for students to study scientific mysteries and to design solutions. The future is in the hands of our students and we want them ready for it.
Library media learning at the elementary school level is the gateway to a lifelong passion for exploration and education, enriched by STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathmatics) principles. Guided by skilled media specialists, students immerse themselves in an array of books, digital resources, and interactive technologies, nurturing literacy, critical thinking, and digital proficiency. These dynamic spaces foster hands-on discovery, igniting creativity and honing problem-solving acumen.
By curating diverse collections, the library transports students across cultures and eras, nurturing empathy and expanding worldviews, all while weaving in the interdisciplinary aspects of STEAM. The ability to discern credible sources and navigate the digital realm responsibly becomes second nature, empowering students in the digital age. Collaborative projects and discussions refine communication skills.
In the elementary school library, tradition seamlessly merges with technology, equipping students with essential skills to excel in our modern world. This comprehensive approach nurtures inquisitive minds, empowering young learners to evolve into enthusiastic readers, adept thinkers, and conscientious digital citizens, all grounded in the principles of STEAM.
Fine Arts
The arts are a vital celebration of personal creativity. Students are encouraged to find their artistic passion, whether it be in music, theatre, dance, food or the visual arts. Research shows that participating in the arts boosts academic achievement, collaboration, and social-emotional growth and well-being.
SoWashCo Elementary Schools
- Armstrong Elementary School
- Bailey Elementary School
- Cottage Grove Elementary School
- Crestview Elementary School
- Grey Cloud Elementary School
- Hillside Elementary School
- Liberty Ridge Elementary School
- Middleton Elementary School
- Newport Elementary School
- Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion School
- Pine Hill Elementary School
- Pullman Elementary School
- Red Rock Elementary School
- Royal Oaks Elementary School
- Valley Crossing Elementary School
- Woodbury Elementary School
Armstrong Elementary School
Bailey Elementary School
Cottage Grove Elementary School
Crestview Elementary School
Grey Cloud Elementary School
Hillside Elementary School
Liberty Ridge Elementary School
Middleton Elementary School
Newport Elementary School
Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion School
Pine Hill Elementary School
Pullman Elementary School
Red Rock Elementary School
Royal Oaks Elementary School
Valley Crossing Elementary School
Woodbury Elementary School
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA), provides financial assistance to local education agencies (LEAs) and schools, with high numbers or percentages of children from low-income families, in order to assist schools in ensuring that all children meet challenging academic standards.
Districts or schools accepting Title I funds are required to provide all children with fair, equitable and significant educational opportunities in order to obtain a high-quality education and to reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Title I programs utilize highly qualified staff who implement instructional strategies based on scientifically based research and which are supported by organized and effective parental involvement.
The South Washington County Schools (SoWashCo Schools) focus Title I programming applies to Crestview Elementary, Newport Elementary and Pullman Elementary Schools. Funds are used to target students who are academically at-risk in grades kindergarten through second grade in the areas of reading and math. SoWashCo Title I funds also support programming and assistance to students experiencing homelessness.
South Washington County Schools Local Literacy Plan
The Local Literacy Plan serves as a guide as each district works toward meeting the requirement of all students reading well by the end of third grade.
Minnesota legislation for Reading Well by Third Grade requires all public school districts and charter schools to post a Local Literacy Plan on the district webpage. This is a required component of each district’s World’s Best Workforce Plans. The information below outlines in more detail the specifics of South Washington County Schools Local Literacy Plan.
- Statement of Goals and Objectives
- Definition and Assurance of Proficiency
- Student Assessment Process
- Grade by Grade Assessment Plan
- Parent Notification and Involvement
- Intervention and Instructional Supports
- Professional Development on Scientifically-based Reading Instruction (SBRI)
- Curriculum and Instruction System
- Student Support System for English Language Learners
- Communication System for Annual Reporting
Statement of Goals and Objectives
Definition and Assurance of Proficiency
Student Assessment Process
Grade by Grade Assessment Plan
Parent Notification and Involvement
Intervention and Instructional Supports
Professional Development on Scientifically-based Reading Instruction (SBRI)
Curriculum and Instruction System
Student Support System for English Language Learners
Communication System for Annual Reporting
Arthur Williams
Director of the Department of Teaching and Learning Services - Elementary
Leah Boulous
Literacy Coordinator
Tom Ross
Elementary Lead Literacy Coach