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High School Homework Procedure

High School Homework Procedure


●       Homework – homework includes learning tasks assigned to students that are meant to be completed outside of class hours. Students may also complete homework during non-instructional school time. Many teachers provide practice time that becomes homework if the student does not complete it during provided classroom work time.

●       Formative assessment – a learning task such as homework problems, practice tests, or review problems meant to help students practice their skills and gauge their level of mastery and understanding of a learning target. Examples of practice include homework, classwork, assignments, study guides, class activities, quizzes, etc. Formative assessment is a venue for teachers to give feedback to students in regard to their learning and must be weighted at 0-20% of the total academic grade.

●       Summative assessment – a summative assessment is meant to evaluate the culmination of learning at the end of an instructional unit or course and is considered the measure of what a student knows or is able to do.  Examples include tests, labs, projects, mid-term or final exams/projects, etc. Summative assessments must be weighted at 80%-100% of the total academic grade.

●       Personalized – An assignment created or modified to complement a student’s abilities and interests that focus on improving a skill set or knowledge base needed to demonstrate mastery of a specific learning target, benchmark, or standard.



  1. Homework should have an identified specific learning need. Homework is beneficial when it is intended to enhance prior knowledge; when the assignment is not at the appropriate level of rigor, there is potential to create an adverse effect on student motivation.
    1. Prior to assigning homework, the teacher should take into account the age of the student, schedule, and how long each assignment may take the average learner.
    2. The purpose of homework should be identified and communicated to students and parents/guardians by the classroom teacher.
    3. When possible, students may be allowed choice in how they demonstrate their learning. For example, a written assignment may be altered to an oral or graphic product to demonstrate the student has mastered the learning objective.
    4. When possible, teachers should coordinate for big projects, intensive homework, or group projects so that multiple projects do not fall on the same date to avoid overburdening students from completing the projects well. 
  2. The importance and effectiveness of homework varies between grade levels. As students enter middle and high school, the amount and regularity of homework may increase as needed.
  3. For elementary students, little or no daily homework other than reading may be appropriate. Consistent reading practice outside of school develops motivation and interest in reading, and children become literate through active experiences with literacy. 
  4. Group projects are not homework and should be done during class.
  5. Homework should be practice for the student and not an introduction of new content and learning. However, when a homework assignment includes research, new learning is inherent in that process.
  6. If mastery can be demonstrated with fewer problems or prior to the assignment of homework, the student should have a modified homework assignment, or no homework at all.
  7. Students should be able to complete all homework assignments with limited assistance.
  8. Homework should be considered a “formative” assessment and only classified in the formative component of the total academic grade.
  9. Feedback on homework (not necessarily an assigned grade) is essential for student learning.  All assignments should receive meaningful feedback from the teacher before any relevant quizzes or tests are given.
  10. The goal of homework is for students to complete their homework with limited assistance. If more than limited assistance is required or students struggle to complete homework in a timely manner, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the teacher.
  11. The completion and/or success rate for homework should not be a deciding factor in the assigning of a passing or failing summative grade in the course or class.



● Parent Portal is available for parents/guardians to access their child’s grades at the end of each grading period.

● Students will be taught how to use Schoology to develop independence in self-monitoring and responsibility for their academic progress and performance.

● Teachers will not offer extra credit. Enrichment or extension of learning opportunities are permitted.

● Teachers will provide a clear explanation of all formative practice and summative assessments.

● Academic dishonesty will be addressed with behavioral consequences and teachers and administration will work together to determine appropriate consequences.

● Summative Retakes:

  • All students are allowed a minimum of one retake on each summative assessment.
  • The highest assessment score will be recorded. Students who earned a grade of a "D" or and "F" on any assessment will be highly encouraged to retest in order to show additional learning and understanding of the state outcomes.
  • Students are allowed to earn a score up to 100% on the first retake for their grade to accurately reflect what the student knows and can do. 
  • Students will be provided the opportunity to retake only if they have completed their relearning plan (as defined by the classroom teacher) prior to the date of the retake.
  • Retakes will resemble the original assessment in content and rigor. 
  • Teachers may also offer the opportunity for test corrections for any student, regardless of score, in addition to the opportunity for a retake, for partial credit.
  • Students are expected to initiate any retake they choose to complete.
  • Retakes must be completed within two weeks of the grade being posted unless otherwise arranged and approved by the teacher.
  • Teachers will determine and communicate to students. the days and times available to complete a retake. 
  • The summative assessment process will be in each course syllabus or course folder in Schoology.
  • Students having difficulty arranging a retake may make an appeal to building administration.
  • End of Trimester 3 summative retakes will only be offered to students in the following scenarios:
    • students receiving an "F" on the final summative assessment (taken within the final two weeks of the school year), and which would result in failing the course, or
    • students who received a grade on the summative assessment that would not be adequate to earn a passing grade for the course.

● Reassessment of formative assessments, as in the cases of quizzes and projects, etc., are left to the discretion of the teacher. 

● College in the School/Concurrent Enrollment will be required to follow the grading and assessment policies set at the university level.

● If a student has an extenuating circumstance, teachers will consult with school Administration and or counseling related to this homework procedure.


The grading scale below is being utilized at all SoWashCo High Schools.

A         93%-100%       

A-        90%-92.99%                  

B+       87%-89.99%                        

B         83%-86.99%                                                       

B-        80%-82.99%

C+       77%-79.99%

C         73%-76.99%                              

C-        70%-72.99%                                          

D+       67%-69.99%

D         63%-66.99%

D-        60%-62.99%

F          59.99% and below
