201.2 Applications and Balloting Procedures for School Board Vacancy
201.2 Applications and Balloting Procedures for School Board Vacancy
The purpose of this policy is to provide an outline for application and balloting procedures for a School Board member vacancy in South Washington County Schools.
- Once a vacancy is known, the School Board may choose to appoint a candidate or solicit applications. Should the School Board choose to interview, it shall conduct an interview process for the opening with noted timelines. The information shall be posted on the district website as well in the official newspaper for the school district.
- After the application deadline, the School Board will review applications and schedule interviews with chosen candidates. Interviews will be open to the public.
- After the interviews, the School Board will go through a voting/balloting procedure. This procedure will be open to the public.
- Ballots will be prepared that list all of the candidates.
- On each of the ballots, School Board members will receive one less vote than the total number of candidates.
- The board members’ name as well as who they voted for will be read aloud after each round of balloting. Candidates receiving no votes will automatically be eliminated as well as the applicant who receives the lowest vote count providing it is less than 50% of the votes cast. If the applicant receives a majority vote, that applicant will move on to the next round of voting.
- Balloting will continue in this same manner until all but two candidates have been eliminated. At that point, a final vote will be taken. Each Board member will be limited to one vote. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be appointed. If after three ballots on the final vote, the vote ends in a tie, the Chair or acting Chair will opt out of the next voting round to force a decision.
- The final candidate will be formally appointed at the next regular School Board meeting. Upon formal appointment, the candidate will begin service as a School Board member.
POLICY ADOPTED: January 25, 2007
POLICY REVIEWED: February, 2011, August 17, 2017, February 20, 2020
POLICY REVISED: March 24, 2011, April 23, 2015