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September 7, 2023 Workshop Meeting

September 7, 2023 Workshop Meeting

1 hour, 27 minutes


Agenda and Minutes

1.0 Call to Order; Roll Call: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the School Board of Independent School District 833, South Washington County, was held on Thursday, September 7, 2023. The meeting was called to order by Chair Sharon Van Leer, at 6:00pm at the District Service Center, 7362 East Point Douglas Road South, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. School Board Members present: Melinda Dols, Pat Driscoll, Simi Patnaik, Katie Schwartz, Eric Tessmer and Sharon Van Leer. Louise Hinz was absent. Superintendent Julie Nielsen was present.


2.0 Pledge of Allegiance


3.0 Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Simi Patnaik, seconded by Melinda Dols to approve the agenda. All in favor, none opposed, motion carried.


4.0 Workshop Items:

4.1 Bond Referendum Information and Boundary Adjustments

Dan Pyan, Executive Director of Finance and Operations

4.1 PPT

Information was presented by Superintendent Nielsen, Dan Pyan, Executive Director of Finance and Operations and Dan Hines, Assistant Director of Facilities. They shared contingency plans if ballot questions don’t pass, including what boundary changes would take place.


5.0 Information Items:

5.1 Intra-District Transfer and Open Enrollment

Tyrone Brookins, Kelly Jansen & Kristine Schaefer, Assistant Superintendents

5.1 PPT

Kelly Jansen shared information on the current intra district and open enrollment process.  This will return for approval at the September 21, 2023 school board meeting.


5.2 Financial Update

Dan Pyan, Executive Director of Finance and Operations

5.2 PPT

Mr. Pyan shared information on the preliminary levy.


5.3 First Reading of Proposed Policy Changes

Julie Nielsen, Superintendent

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Superintendent Nielsen shared information on the proposed changes.  These will return on September 21, 2023 for approval. There was no request for public comment.


6.0 Reports and Comments: Superintendent Nielsen shared a video of the first days of school and shared highlights of the back to school event for staff, current enrollment and upcoming informational campaign. Melinda Dols highlighted the back to school event, the policy review committee meeting and 916 school board meeting. Simi Patnaik attended the policy committee meeting. Sharon Van Leer highlighted the back to school event and first day of school drop off for her granddaughter.


7.0 Future Meeting Dates:

September 21, 2023 – School Board Business Meeting (DSC/6:00 p.m.)

October 5, 2023 - School Board Workshop Meeting (DSC/6:00 p.m.)


8.0 Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:27pm.