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October 19, 2021 Business Meeting

October 19, 2021 Business Meeting

1 hour 16 minutes

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Agenda and Minutes

The purpose of this meeting is to consider the following:


1.0 Call to Order: Roll Call: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the School Board of Independent School District 833, South Washington County, was held on Tuesday, October 19, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Chair Tracy Brunnette, at 6:30pm at the District Service Center, 7362 East Point Douglas Road South, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. School Board Members present: Tracy Brunnette, Pat Driscoll, Louise Hinz, Simi Patnaik, Katie Schwartz and Sharon Van Leer. Melinda Dols is absent. Superintendent Julie Nielsen was present.


2.0 Pledge of Allegiance


3.0 Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Louise Hinz, seconded by Sharon Van Leer to approve the agenda.  All in favor, none opposed, motion carried.


4.0 Public Comment: The following people addressed the School Board:

  • Earline McCauley of Woodbury regarding CRT.
  • Christa of Woodbury regarding public comment at school board meetings.


5.0 Consent Items: It was moved by Sharon Van Leer, seconded by Pat Driscoll to approve the consent agenda items.  All in favor, none opposed, motion carries.

5.1 Approval of Retirements, Resignations and Terminations

5.2 Approval of Leaves of Absence

5.3 Approval of New Employees/Change of Status

5.4 Approval of Electronic Fund Transfers

5.5 Approval of Resolution to Accept Gifts

5.6 Approval of September 23, 2021 School Board Meeting Minutes

5.7 Approval of October 7, 2021 School Board Meeting Minutes

5.8 Approval of Extended Field Trips

5.9 Approval of Lease with Valley Creek Mall


6.0 Information Items:

6.1 Summary of Superintendent’s Review

Tracy Brunnette, School Board Chair

Ms. Brunnette shared that the School Board reviewed several areas with Superintendent Nielsen.  Next steps include amplifying student voice and the district’s strategic plan.  Overall Ms. Nielsen received a positive review.


6.2 Financial Update

Dan Pyan, Director of Finance and Operations

6.2 PPT

Mr. Pyan shared the current enrollment and capacity information, as well as current projections and expenditures.


6.3 Referendum Update

Julie Nielsen, Superintendent

6.3 PPT

Superintendent Nielsen shared information about why the district is asking for funding and the ways the district is sharing the information.  She also answered some of the frequently asked questions.


7.0 Action Items:

7.1 Approval of Intra-district Transfer (IDT) & Open Enrollment (OE) Parameters 22-23

Kristine Schaefer, Assistant Superintendent

It was moved by Sharon Van Leer, seconded by Pat Driscoll to approve the parameters. All in favor, none opposed, motion carried.


7.2 Approval of Proposed Policy Changes

Julie Nielsen, Superintendent     

It was moved by Pat Driscoll, seconded by Sharon Van Leer to approve the changes, with the exception of Policy 701.2. Policy 701.2 will be reviewed at a later date. All in favor, none opposed, motion carried.


7.3 Approval of Sale of GO Building Refunding Bonds 2021A

Dan Pyan, Director of Finance and Operations

Sale Day Report


It was moved by Katie Schwartz, seconded by Sharon Van Leer. A roll call vote was taken.  Tracy Brunnette, Pat Driscoll, Louise Hinz, Simi Patnaik, Katie Schwartz and Sharon Van Leer voted in favor, Melinda Dols was absent. None opposed, motion carried.


8.0 Superintendent Report: Ms. Nielsen reported she attended the Masterworks concert, athletic and activity events, and highlighted the upcoming high school theater productions.


9.0 Future Meeting Dates:

November 4, 2021 – School Board Workshop Meeting (DSC/6:30 p.m.)

November 18, 2021 – School Board Business Meeting (DSC/6:30 p.m.)


10.0 Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:46pm.