January 20, 2022 Business Meeting
1 hour, 51 minutes
The purpose of this meeting is to consider the following:
1.0 Call to Order: Roll Call: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the School Board of Independent School District 833, South Washington County, was held on Thursday, January 20, 2022. The meeting was called to order by Chair Sharon Van Leer, at 6:30pm at the District Service Center, 7362 East Point Douglas Road South, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. School Board Members present: Melinda Dols, Pat Driscoll, Louise Hinz, Simi Patnaik, Katie Schwartz, Eric Tessmer and Sharon Van Leer. Superintendent Julie Nielsen was present.
2.0 Pledge of Allegiance
3.0 Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Katie Schwartz, seconded by Louise Hinz to approve the agenda. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.
4.0 Student District Ambassador Report:
Riya Bharti, East Ridge High School, Amber Lemke, Newport Elementary School & Reese Vix, Valley Crossing Elementary School, shared information about what they’re doing in the District Ambassador Group.
5..0 Public Comment: The following individuals addressed the Board:
· Brenda Burnside of St. Paul regarding racism
· Nia Tolefree of Cottage Grove regarding racism
· Talaya Tolefree of Cottage Grove regarding racism
6.0 Consent Items: It was moved by Pat Driscoll, seconded by Melinda Dols to approve the consent agenda. All in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
6.1 Approval of Retirements, Resignations and Terminations
6.2 Approval of Leaves of Absence
6.3 Approval of New Employees/Change of Status
6.4 Approval of Electronic Fund Transfers
6.5 Approval of Resolution to Accept Gifts
6.6 Approval of December 16, 2021 School Board Meeting Minutes
6.7 Approval of January 6, 2022 Special Business Meeting Minutes
6.8 Approval of January 6, 2022 Workshop Meeting Minutes
6.9 Approval of Student Teaching Agreement with Metropolitan State University
6.10 Approval of Washington County’s Proposed application of Safe Routes to School Act
6.11 Approval of Extended Field Trips
7.0 Information Items:
Kelly Jansen, Assistant Superintendent
Dan Pyan, Director of Finance and Operations
They shared updates to the adjustments and plans for the 2022-23 school year.
7.2 Long-Range Facilities Update
Kristine Schaefer, Assistant Superintendent
Dan Pyan, Director of Finance and Operations
They shared information about the current planning next steps.
8.0 Action Items:
8.1 Acceptance of Audit Reports
Dan Pyan, Director of Finance and Operations
It was moved by Simi Patnaik, seconded by Pat Driscoll to approve the Audit Reports. All in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
8.2 Approval of Proposed Policy Changes
Julie Nielsen, Superintendent
It was moved by Eric Tessmer, seconded by Katie Schwartz to approve the policy changes. All in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
8.3 Approval of Proposed 2022-23 Calendar
Julie Nielsen, Superintendent
It was moved by Louise Hinz, seconded by Melinda Dols to approve the calendar, with the following changes: November 7, 2022 and May 12, 2023 K-5 students will be in session, resulting in K-5 students will finish two days earlier. Louise Hinz, Pat Driscoll, Simi Patnaik, Melinda Dols, Katie Schwartz and Sharon Van Leer voted in favor, Eric Tessmer opposed, motion carried.
8.4 Approval of Board Member Employment
Julie Nielsen, Superintendent
It was moved by Pat Driscoll, seconded by Eric Tessmer to approve the employment status of Louise Hinz. All in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
9.0 Superintendent Report: Ms. Nielsen reported on staffing, Covid Response Team updates and the new guidelines to return to school.
10.0 Future Meeting Dates:
February 3, 2022 – School Board Workshop Meeting (DSC/6:30 p.m.)
February 17, 2022 – School Board Business Meeting (DSC/6:30 p.m.)
11.0 Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:21pm.