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  • Bullying
  • Fighting and Physical Aggression
  • Health and Safety

The school district is committed to providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Acts of bullying, in any form, by either an individual student or a group of students, are prohibited on school district property, at school-related functions or activities, on school transportation, and by misuse of technology. Bullying means repeated acts (verbal and non-verbal expressions and behaviors, including written statements and electronic transmissions and/or ‘cyber bullying’) that are coercive and intimidating and inhibit a positive and supportive learning environment

Policy 514 Bullying Prohibition

Bullying Reporting Procedures

Bullying Reporting Form



The progressive discipline procedures below are designed to improve and prevent a recurrence of the behavior. Administrators reserve the right to combine or skip steps depending on the facts of each situation.

Grades K-5

parent/legal guardian conference with student; parent/legal guardian Contact; Possible in/out of school suspension; Up to 5 days out of school suspension; Possible Expulsion/ Exclusion

Grades 6-12

parent/legal guardian contact; Principal conference with student; In/out of school suspension; Expulsion/ Exclusion

Activities and Athletics 

Eligibility to participate in school sponsored activities may be jeopardized. 

For more information see an administrator or activities/athletic directors or visit the MSHSL Eligibility Brochure
  • All Elementary School Policies
  • All High School Policies
  • All Middle School Policies