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Next Steps for SoWashCo Schools Bond and Levy Projects

Next Steps for SoWashCo Schools Bond and Levy Projects

Thank you. We are grateful for the community’s support in our recent bond election. With the two bond questions' success, SoWashCo Schools now begins the design and planning process for 15 construction projects across the district.

The design process will begin with the highest priority items in the bond election – addressing safety and security and overcrowding in our secondary schools.

This winter, and continuing for the next year, architects will begin meeting with groups of staff and families to gather input, feedback and start the design work for additions and renovations at Cottage Grove, Lake, Oltman and Woodbury middle schools, as well as East Ridge, Park and Woodbury high schools.

In January 2025, design and planning work will begin for our elementary school construction projects at Bailey, Crestview, Grey Cloud, Hillside, Pine Hill, Pullman, Red Rock and Royal Oaks elementary schools. 

After the design phase is completed for each project, construction permits for the work will be secured and the request for proposals (RFP) bidding process for the construction will begin. The start and end of the construction schedule are also determined by frost.

SoWashCo Schools hopes to have the first construction projects completed by Fall 2026 and all the construction projects done by Fall 2027. Construction dates and timelines are subject to change.

construction schedule