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Bus Ridership Program

Bus Ridership Program

Starting this school year all K-12 general education bus riders will be given a “Bus Rider ID” identification card. Students will use their Bus Rider IDs to scan when they get on and off the bus each day.

Using a Bus Rider ID is required to get on or off a bus. However, students will NOT be denied access to ride the bus if they forget or have misplaced their Bus Rider ID (replacement IDs can be printed if they are lost). We ask every bus rider to do their best to remember their Bus Rider ID and to scan on and off the bus. 

ECSE and Special Education students will NOT be issued a Bus Rider ID and won't be required to participate in the program.

Eligible bus riders can obtain their Bus Rider IDs from their school at either the open-house event or during their first day of school. 

The goal of the new Bus Rider ID system is to increase the efficiency and safety of our bus routes. The data from the Bus Rider ID system will help track ridership trends and provide our transportation department with safety information such as who is scanned onto a bus.

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